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Слова, заканчивающиеся на буквы for
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Слова, заканчивающиеся на буквы " for"
account for
act for
aim for
allow too much for
allowing for
apologize for
apply for
as a replacement for
as for
ask for
ask humbly for
atone for
be a focus for
be a magnet for
be down for
be evidence for
be grateful for
be intended for
be looking for
be responsible for
be selected for
be sold for
be suitable for
be thankful for
be there for
bound for
call for
care for
come up with the money for
compensate for
cry for
cut out for
designed for
dig for
en route for
except for
fall for
feel affection for
feel for
feel sorry for
fend for
fill in for
find expression for
find the money for
find time for
give explanation for
give good reason for
give reason for
give reasons for
go for
going on for
grieve for
have a desire for
have a high regard for
have a passion for
have a weakness for
have appreciation for
have it in for
have space for
have the funds for
headed for
heading for
hope for
hoping for
hunt for
in the hunt for
intended for
lay in wait for
lie in wait for
long for
longing for
look for
looking for
make allowances for
make amends for
make for
make plans for
make up for
making an allowance for
manage to pay for
meant for
on the lookout for
opt for
pass for
pay for
pay money for
petition for
pine for
plead for
provide for
put down for
put in a good word for
put in for
put your name down for
responsibility for
save for
search for
send for
send off for
set a date for