A swivel beneath the centre of the yoke, between the animals, attaches the pole of the vehicle (when the animals steer the vehicle) or chains that are used to drag the load.
то, что подавляет или ограничивает, бремя, иго, ярмо.
en (п.)
The term by which this subjection is commonly designated, the Mongol or Tatar yoke, suggests ideas of terrible oppression, but in reality these nomadic invaders from Mongolia were not such cruel, oppressive taskmasters as is generally supposed.
штурвал; орган управления самолётом, U-образная ручка.
en (авиац.)
Rotating the wheel on the yoke rolls the aircraft and pulling or pushing the yoke pitches the aircraft in a natural sense.
электро-магнитння лучевой трубке.
en (техн.)
The EM energy is also less intense for the display's user than for a person located behind it, because the deflection yoke is closer to the rear.