Значение слова test
Определения слова test
- проверка, испытание; тест.
- проверочная, контрольная работа; тест.
- Out of a total of 2,600 pupils only 920 passed the test
- тест.
- мерило; критерий.
- The test of any civilized society is how it treats its minorities
- исследование, анализ; проверка.
- en (мед.)
- The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem
- реактив.
- пробирная чашка для определения пробы (драгоценного металла).
- Put one half of this lead into a test
Синонимы к слову test
- adversity
- analysis
- analyze
- assess
- assessment
- check
- examination
- examine
- experiment
- hardship
- investigate
- investigation
- ordeal
- put to the test
- suffering
- trial
- tribulation
- try
- try out
Похожие слова на test
- test
- testable
- testament
- testament's
- testamentary
- testaments
- testate
- testates
- tested
- tester
- tester's
- testers
- testes
- testes's
- testicle
- testicle's
- testicles
- testier
- testiest
- testified
- testifies
- testify
- testifying
- testily
- testimonial
- testimonial's
- testimonials
- testimonies
- testimony
- testimony's
- testiness
- testing
- testis
- testis's
- testosterone
- testosterone's
- tests
- testy
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