Значение слова slate
Определения слова slate
- сланец.
- There was no prison over there back then, but only a slate quarry and a sawmill and a few subsistence farms.
- синевато-серый, аспидный цвет.
- The rocking floor of the sea, blue and gray and slate black by turn, spread to the east.
- шифер; шиферная плита; шиферная плитка.
- Then the new slate roof of Aunt Pitty's house came in view with its red-brick walls, and Scarlett's heart throbbed.
- грифельная доска; аспидная доска.
- Besides a desk, he'll need an abacus, a wall slate, and a drawing board.
- But I'm too old to believe in such sentimentalities as clean slates and starting all over.
- (английская фамилия) english surname example.
Синонимы к слову slate
- be down for
- line up
- put down for
- schedule
Похожие слова на slate
- slate
- slate's
- slated
- slater
- slater's
- slates
Гиперонимы к слову slate
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