Значение слова rich
Определения слова rich
- богатый.
- | [[плодородный.
- , богатеи.
- en (субстантивир.)
- en (собир.)
- The poor were much more seriously affected by the crisis than the rich.
- английская фамилия
Синонимы к слову rich
- abounding
- abundant
- affluent
- ample
- amusing
- annoying
- buttery
- calorific
- cloying
- creamy
- deep
- dripping
- expensive
- fatty
- fertile
- fruitful
- full
- gorgeous
- heavy
- indigestible
- intense
- ironic
- irritating
- loaded
- lush
- luxuriant
- moneyed
- opulent
- ornate
- plentiful
- plush
- powerful
- precious
- productive
- prosperous
- resonant
- splendid
- strong
- stuffed
- sweet
- unhealthy
- valuable
- vivid
- wealthy
- well-off
- well-to-do
Похожие слова на rich
- rich
- rich's
- richard
- richard's
- richards
- richardson
- richardson's
- richelieu
- richelieu's
- riches
- richie
- richie's
- richly
- richmond
- richmond's
- richness
- richness's
- richter
- richter's
- richthofen
- richthofen's
Гиперонимы к слову rich
Антонимы к слову rich
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