Значение слова hop
Определения слова hop
- перелёт
- шаг.
- прыжок.
- The Salamander boomed to a halt, throwing men off in slips and clumsy hops.
Синонимы к слову hop
- barn dance
- bop
- bound
- dance
- do
- get
- hoedown
- journey
- jump
- leap
- shindig
- skip
- step
- trip
Похожие слова на hop
- hop
- hop's
- hope
- hope's
- hoped
- hopefully
- hopefulness
- hopefulness's
- hopefuls
- hopelessness
- hopelessness's
- hopes
- hopewell
- hopewell's
- hopi
- hopi's
- hoping
- hopkins
- hopkins's
- hopped
- hopper
- hopper's
- hoppers
- hopping
- hopping's
- hops
- hopscotch
- hopscotch's
- hopscotched
- hopscotches
- hopscotching
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