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Значение слова dingus

    • Определения слова dingus

      • не́что (используется для указания на то, что говорящий не может или не хочет назвать).
        • She held that metal urinal for me, and I peed, and she was shaking my thing off, getting the last drops, and accidentally banged my dingus against the side of the urinal.
        • Thomas Richards notes that in late nineteenth-century culture “there were so many new things, and so many new words naming them, that it was impossible to keep them all straight, and a new class of words came into being to describe things in general — words like gadget, dingus, thingamajig, jiggerˮ.
      • (английская фамилия) english surname example.
        • ? (помета)

    Гиперонимы к слову dingus

      • surname

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