Значение слова commission
Определения слова commission
- доверенность; полномочие
- указание, предписание
- комиссия, комитет
- комиссионное вознаграждение.
- What are the options to an affiliate who is not being paid the owed commission by the merchant partner?
- звание офицера, офицерский чин
- документ, патент офицера
- поручение, заказ.
- After a conversion with an artist buddy of mine I've decided to start taking commissions.
- The portrait artist is now taking commissions.
- то, что сделано по поручению.
- I have received my commission, and Lord, is that painting beautiful!
- совершение чего-либо
Синонимы к слову commission
- administration
- agency
- appoint
- appointment
- assign
- assignment
- authority
- authorize
- board
- charge
- command
- committee
- contract
- costs
- cut
- directive
- duty
- expenses
- fee
- hire
- job
- mission
- official group
- order
- payment
- position
- power
- rank
- responsibility
- task
- working group
Похожие слова на commission
- commission
- commission's
- commissioner
- commissioner's
- commissioners
Фразеологизмы для слова commission
- commission account
- commission agent
- commission book
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