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Значение слова catfish

    • Определения слова catfish

      • сом, любая рыба из отряда сомообразных.
        • текст=The order ''Siluriformes'' is made up of twenty-four families and more than 2500 species; they are commonly referred to as catfish.
      • зубатка.
        • текст=Atlantic wolf fish, ''Anarhichas lupus'', goes by a number of other names, among them Atlantic catfish, ocean catfish, Atlantic lobo or Atlantic loup de mer
      • каракатица.
        • en (редк.)
        • текст=Small cuttle-fish, or as the islanders called them, 'catfish' were used as bait.

    Синонимы к слову catfish

      • cuttlefish
      • seawolf
      • wolffish

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