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Значение слова 10x

    • Определения слова 10x

      • десятикратный (сокращ. форма: 10-кратный), увеличивающий в 10 раз.
        • For forest work, where light is limited and birds are often close to the observer, 7—8x magnification serves well. It works well, also, for older and smaller people who have problems steadying the heavier 10x binoculars.
      • десятикратный (сокращ. форма: 10-кратный), увеличенный в 10 раз, удесятерённый, десятерной.
        • Older computers can import only at slower speeds such as 10x or even as little as 5x.
        • A 10x dose of the vaccine was found to be safe for 2-weeks-old broiler chicks of commercial origin.
      • 10-кратное увеличение.
        • en (субст.)
        • For clarity grading purposes, if an inclusion can't be seen at 10x, it doesn't exist.

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